Product Care
Like any product, the level of care you put into your weclimbstronger gear will impact the longevity of the product. We make our products from a material called PLA (Polylactic acid), it is a thermoplastic monomer derived from renewable, organic sources such as corn starch or sugar cane This means it is not indestructible and will deteriorate over time if left in the sun or moist environments.
Do keep the product as clean as possible, but avoid cleaning with hard abrasives like steel wool or sandpaper. Abrasive materials will remove material and may compromise product integrity.
Like majority of plastic products, PLA will wear over time and the rough texture may start to smooth from over use. To restore some roughness to the area you can gently rub it very course sandpaper (eg. 40 grit). If possible do this in while keeping with the grain direction of the build lines(lengthwise of most of our products). Keep in mind though, this will remove material from the area and eventually weaken the part.
Store you gear in a clean, dry bag away from heat. Use of weclimbstronger product outdoors is excellent, however we do recommend storing them away from the elements. Leaving them hanging on a tree or ground on a hot day or in the rain will likely cause the material to deteriorate faster.
Care for your weclimbstronger products as you would with any piece of climbing or training equipment.
Be sure to read our Disclaimer and Technical Info to better understand what goes into weclimbstronger training products.